ROMA TRANS CLUB on Friday 25th October 2024

Roma Trans Club once a month always at the fourth Friday of each Month



Ladies and T-Ladies: £10

Men: £30 All-night entry with no dress code requirement.

Payments can be made at the door either by cash or card.

Venue:Roma Trans Club, The Bunker,Tube: Old St, exit 4,215-221 City Rd, EC1V 1JN

Roma Trans Club strict rules
1-People been rude to each other or express any kind of violence physically or verbally will be asked to leave straight away, that’s for everyone no exception.
2- No means No, No one is allowed to touch be pushy or Forceful
Whatever happens should have a full understandable permission at any spot of the place, dance floor, bar or Play area.
For full FQA’s please visit
3- Do not leave valuable items at the cloakroom and keep an eye on your personal belongs at all time

Interview for Transliving Magazine by Dave Curtois,

I am at the wonderful Roma Trans Club night with the fabulous and beautiful hostess, ALEKSSANDRA CECILIATO. I always love being in the presence of Alekssandra, as she gives off so much warmth and energy. It’s not surprising that any project she involves herself with is always a great success. We sat down in the corner of the club to just have a chat about how the London club is progressing since its opening back in 2012. The staff are certainly very friendly, and the music makes you want to get out on the dance floor and shake your tail feathers. Alekssandra is always working and pinning her down to do an interview isn’t easy…. 

1….You are hosting your fabulous club night Roma, how’s it going?    Thank you for this amazing opportunity to be here and talk about the “Roma Party”. It’s been a joyful journey and I was so proud to start it a few years ago.   2.. When did you decide to create your club event? and why?   That’s a very good question and funny at the same time! Well, way back in 2011, I, with a friend, had an idea to open a business. I used to be a professional makeup artist and used to work with so many professional photographers, so we thought it could be a good idea to have a professional transgender photography studio. Back then, we used to call it “OFFSCENE

PHOTOGRAPHY” and after a year of working with the studio, I realised we wouldn’t go that far because nowadays with smartphones, nobody really needed professional pictures taken.  Well following that thought, I kept thinking what could I be doing to make money? Literally to help the studio to survive and to pay the monthly bills, those were the main reasons why ROMA was created.  Even before that I was watching a documentary about Ancient Rome and the name was chosen before the party came along. I thought if I had a party, I’d call it Roma. It’s a place where like with the ancients, there’s no judgement and only fun.  After a year working with the studio precisely January 2012,

ROMA TRANS CLUB was born. Believe it or not, it really wasn’t easy, thousands of emails messages and lots of spreading the word, in clubs, everywhere! ROMA’s first night had 3 guests!  Honestly after such hard work, I really thought about stopping and trying something else. But something deep inside me was telling me to keep going and not to give up .  3..What was the reaction like from the community when you first started the night? 
As with any business, it’s not easy and I am so proud to have friends who did and still do believe in a dream, in an idea. They didn’t question me once and gave me so much support. But I do think the community as any other community took a while to understand the concept of the party. It’s a bit different from a normal, conventional club or party. 

After a few months, I think the best introduction and promotion for the party was and still is word of mouth, so many people come to the party because they’ve heard good things about it. People travel a long way, like overseas and far inland.   4…Is there a mix of people who come to the nights.? 

After a few months, I think the best introduction and promotion for the party was and still is word of mouth, so many people come to the party because they’ve heard good things about it. People travel a long way, like overseas and far inland.   4…Is there a mix of people who come to the nights.? Well, the party was created for trans-women and admirers mainly. Of course, a few couples and single women are very welcome, but the party is created for us t-girls and single/couple admirers (men and women).  Everyone have so much fun and the venue, I couldn’t find anywhere better. The staff are amazing, so open minded and my guests feel welcome straight away.   5…Do you have performers at the club? 

Yes, we do have a variety of professional performers at the Party. A mix of backgrounds is the key: Brazilians/ UK/ Asians…. Everybody bringing their culture, makes a big night  The shows are at 1:30am when almost everyone is already drinking, talking and having fun. 
6…What can we expect when we come to the event?
The most important expectation is the night itself. People come for the energy, for the people and the joy of a good Friday night. We also have a Brazilian D.J. whose particular style of music is my absolute favourite. People dance all night long! 
In my opinion, music means a lot to the identity of the club night. We all associate music with the club. Sometimes we think about the club and the music style comes straight into our head.  Our music is a bit different from the other clubs, as we play tribal remix music with an amazing beat. You can’t help but move your body 

7…Your club is going from strength to strength, do you have any future plans for your nights? 
Oh yes, my head is constantly spinning, like our planet. I am just starting a sexy PVC lycra underwear for trans-women, sometimes it’s hard to find a nice sexy pair of knickers. Why not use the Roma platform to get to the Girls? I am proud to be part of the scene and glad the girls from the scene respect me and give me opportunities to explore the ideas I have. The new brand of knickers called HOUSE OF ROMA is an extension of the Roma Party. My life is all connected to the party.  I hope that I can get back to working with photography in the near future. But, at the moment, the Party takes a lot of my personal and business life. Let’s keep the Party and the magic pants projects for now. 

8… Do you think that the club scene is changing in London. 
Constantly life in and out of any scene is changing. I think we are part of this big world where we evolve together, and don’t get me wrong, changes are a good thing. We all have our Idols and things used to be different but the new generation have new younger Idols and the path is different, and that difference is necessary. 

9…So we all know you as a club promoter but you are also a model and I know that you have been a photographer in the past, can you tell us a little about that?   OMG believe it or not, I had no Idea you were going to ask me about my photography career! I guess I’ve already spoken about that.  Just finishing on photography, yes, I love the whole artistic side, hair styles and makeup. The whole scenario gave me so much pleasure and allowed me to play whatever role I wanted to. I’ve also  done lots of modelling jobs myself and I can tell you that it’s something I still love doing.   

 10…What other plans do you have in your busy life this year? 
Well, when you think you have enough going on, you always get drawn into something else. I never know in which mood I’ll wake up tomorrow, but I can guarantee my head will be spinning at 1000 miles per hour!  For this year, I am planning to dedicate myself 150% to ROMA TRANS CLUB or just ROMA PARTY. My new project is the HOUSE OF ROMA collection which is available at the ROMA PARTY WEBSITE and will soon be available on social media. I still have to decide on the final details and am waiting for some very important feedback from T-girls on the scene. I try my best to understand what people want. Of course, I look for the right direction to follow, because at the end of the day, my life has never been about money. I always want to be true to myself, money is really welcome but my own satisfaction in doing something good is much greater than that, it’s priceless.  

 11 ..I know you have just come back from Brazil visiting your family, how often do you get to see them?   I only can speak for myself; family is the foundation of who you are, past, present and future. I know so many T-girls who were so unlucky because their family didn’t have the right information on how to support and how to understand them. It’s really sad because people only realise what we go through, when it’s too late.  But I am sure that’s for a second interview or maybe a book lol. I am very attached to my family and although I was adopted, words can’t describe the mutual love we feel for each other. 

12 What does Alekssandra do when she isn’t working, how do you relax? 
You just made me laugh. Alekssandra never, ever relaxes. Sometimes, walking down the street, an idea is born and my brain goes into overdrive. I’m a workaholic and I confess, I’m a happy workaholic – it’s a full-time job.  You can’t expect anything different from someone born under the star sign ARIES. It’s just about the fight, new projects, challenges and pushing boundaries. That’s who I am. 

13 would you like to say anything to your fans and people who come to your nights?   I am sure I could fill all these pages telling people how I feel about them. They already know how I feel, how happy and blessed I feel to have their complete faith in me. During the years of ROMA PARTY I made so many friends and met so many people with a mix of backgrounds, races, religions, lifestyles and a whole spectrum of diversity. I keep repeating: “thank you so much for the great journey I’ve had over the years”. I hope our  adventure doesn’t finish, I hope we can carry on doing parties, photography, underwear collections and so many other things. As I said, the most important thing is to be true to yourself. Do what makes you feel happy and gives you pleasure. Don’t listen to what people say as long as you believe yourself, that’s a very good start.  Kisses  ALEKSSANDRA CECILIATO.
After our interview, I stayed with Alekssandra to enjoy the dancing and party atmosphere of the night. I have to say to anybody who likes to dance, the music is great. The night is packed with fun, friendly staff and amazing party people.